Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative ofPakistan at the 115th Session of the IOM Council, under Agenda item:General Debate pakunadmin Previous Post Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan at the 115th Session of the IOM Council, under Agenda item: General Debate Next Post Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, on behalf of the OIC Group, at the 115th Session of IOM CouncilMeeting, Geneva under Agenda item: General Debate
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations Right of Reply – Agenda Item-8 February 10, 6:18 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 42nd Session of Human Rights Council General Debate under Agenda Item 8: Follow-up to and Implementation of Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action February 10, 6:17 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 42ndSESSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL General Debate on Agenda Item 7 -Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories February 10, 6:16 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 422nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCILUPR Outcome of DPRK February 10, 6:15 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 42nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCILUPR Outcome of Albania February 10, 6:14 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 422nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCILUPR Outcome of Bhutan Statement by Pakistan February 10, 6:13 PMby pakunadmin