Civil Society On Jammu & Kashmir
International civil society actors represent an important constituency of the global human rights ecosystem, which have been closely monitoring the worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in IIOJ&K, and extensively documenting India’s egregious human rights crimes against the Kashmiri people. They also signify a strong support base for the Kashmir cause through their tireless global awareness-raising and advocacy efforts, including at the United Nations human rights platforms, exposing India’s systematic atrocities against the brave Kashmiri people.
A diverse array of independent civil society organizations has regularly been penning detailed reports, articles, news items, backgrounders, situational pieces etc. on various streams of systematic human rights abuses in IIOJ&K. Post-05th August, several NGOs have issued public reactions about the heightened scale and intensity of India’s human rights violations against Kashmiri people . Many NGOs have also raised serious concerns about the unfolding human rights crisis in IIOJ&K, as result of India’s illegal and unilateral actions of 05th August 2019, at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC).
A non-exhaustive list of commentary produced by civil society on IIOJ&K, in different formats, is given below:
Reports/Articles/Situational Analysis
Amnesty International Report, January 1993: “torture And Deaths In Custody In Jammu And Kashmir”
Amnesty International Report, September 2017: “losing Sight In Kashmir: The Impact Of Pellet-firing Shotguns”
Human Rights Watch Report, September 2006: “everyone Lives In Fear: Patterns Of Impunity In Jammu&kashmir”
International Commission Of Jurists (Icj) Report, March 1995: “Human Rights In Kashmir: Report Of A Mission”
International Crisis Group Report, April 2020: “Raising The Stakes In Jammu & Kashmir “
Amnesty International Situational Update And Analysis Series About Post-05th August Situation In Iioj&k: 18 October 2019; 31 March 2020 And 05 August 2020
Human Rights Watch Report, January 2021: India: Growing Crackdown On Activists And Critics; Attacks On Muslims, Marginalized Groups And Abuses Persist In Kashmir