UN Documentation On Jammu & Kashmir

Since 1948, the UN Security Council has adopted over a dozen resolutions on the Jammu & Kashmir dispute. Following India’s illegal moves of 05 August 2019, a number of communications, sent by Pakistan, has been issued as official documents of the Security Council under the agenda item “India-Pakistan Question”. These communications mainly comprise of Foreign Minister’s letters, which have drawn the Council’s attention towards India’s unlawful actions being taken since last August to unilaterally change the demographic structure of the disputed territory as well as their serious implications for the realization of the Kashmiri people’s inalienable right to self-determination as guaranteed by the Council’s own resolutions. These letters also alert the Council about the post-05th August brewing human rights and humanitarian crises in IIOJ&K and its ramifications for regional peace and security. The Security Council has been urged, inter alia, to press India to rescind its illegal actions taken to alter demography of the disputed territory; halt its human rights abuses; and accept an UN Commission of Inquiry.
On 03 August 2020, Pakistan dispatched to the Security Council two PAPERS on IIOJ&K, which separately elaborate legal case of the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination and recount India’s well-documented human rights violations in the occupied territory.
Full text of Foreign Minister’s letters can be accessed at the following links: