Labour Affairs

The International Labour Organization (ILO), established since 1919, is headquartered in Geneva. It is the only tripartite UN specialized agency that brings together governments, workers and employers to set labour standards, develop policies and programmes for promotion of decent work for everyone, everywhere. Pakistan joined the ILO in 1947. As a large developing country with a population of over 241.49 million. Pakistan has a large labour force that stands among the top 10 largest labour forces in the world. According to Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2020-21 employed Labour force stood at 67.25 million. Pakistan has ratified 36 ILO Conventions related to labour rights including 8 fundamental rights Conventions. Pakistan has held several important positions such as the Chairperson of the Governing Body (1953-54), President of International Labour Conference (1958 &1965) in addition to regular and deputy membership of the Governing Body.
Pakistan values the ILO’s role and contribution in advancing and safeguarding labour rights and to advance decent work for all. Adherence to and effective implementation of ILO Conventions to which Pakistan is a party remains a priority for Pakistan. Domestically, the Government of Pakistan is focused on promoting tripartite dialogue and cooperation in keeping with the principle of social justice. Domestic protection and safe working conditions are also high areas of priority. An efficient and effective labour inspection system is in place to ensure safety of workers and implementation of standardized practices. Pakistan is part of the Asia-Pacific Government Group of ILO members. The Mission participates in and promotes Pakistan’s perspective and interests in the ILO and supports its mandate to set global standards relating to the world of work.