112th Session of the ILC of ILO Case related to the application by Kazakhstan of the ratified ILO Conventions: C081 – Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) and C129 – Labour Inspection(Agriculture) Convention, 1969 (No. 129)Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Abdullah, Counsellor
112th Session of the International Labour Conference of ILO Agenda Item I (B)Report of the Director-General: Towards a renewed social contract Statement delivered by Dr. Arshad Mahmood Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development, Government of Pakistan
112th Session of the ILC of ILO Philippines case on Convention-87 Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Abdullah, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN, Geneva
112th Session of the ILC of ILO Tunisia case on Convention-87Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Abdullah, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN, Geneva
111th Session of International Labour Conference Agenda Item I (A)Report of the Director-General: Advancing Social Justice Statement delivered by Mr. Zulfiquar Haider Federal Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development, Government of Pakistan
ASPAG MINISTERIAL MEETING National Statement of Pakistan to be delivered by Mr. Zulfiquar Haider, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource
111th Session of International Labour Conference Statement delivered by Mr. Zulfiqar Haider, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
Statement delivered by Ambassador Khalil Hashmi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN on behalf of the OIC Countries Adoption of Program and Budget (2024-25) by the 111th ILC
Meeting of NAM Labour Ministers on the sidelines of 111thsession of the International Labour Conference Statement by Ms. Shaza Fatima Khwaja, SAPM on Youth Affairs
110th session of the International Labour Conference Pakistan’s Statement on China’s alleged discrimination based on race, religion, national extraction and social origin affecting ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang
110th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC)Statement by Mr. Ishrat Ali, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development of Pakistan
109th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC)Working Party on Inequalities Draft Joint Statement of LMG Delivered byMs. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
109th Session of the International Labour Conference Statement by Mr. Ishrat Ali, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development of Pakistan
350th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Report on crisis-related ILO work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory GB.350/POL/4(Rev.1)
350th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Intervention by Pakistan on Complaint against Bangladesh Agenda Item INS/14 Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Abdullah, Counsellor
350th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/10 Follow-up to the resolution concerning the measures recommended by the Governing Body under article 33 of the ILO Constitutionon the subject of Belarus Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Abdullah, Counsellor
350th Session of the ILO Governing Body Agenda Item GB.350 /POL/ 5Promotional activities with regard to the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, including in the context of relevant developments outside the ILO
350th Session of the ILO Governing Body Agenda Item GB.350 /POL /2 Update on the Better Work Programme Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Abdullah, Counsellor
352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Enhanced programme of development cooperation for the occupied Arab territories (GB.352/POL/3)
352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO The status of Palestine in the ILO and its participation rights in ILO meetings(GB.352/INS/9)
352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Statement on behalf of OIC Group Agenda Item: GB.352/PFA/2
347th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/6Final report of the tripartite working group on democratization Statement delivered by Mr. Zulfiquar Haider, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
347th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Statement by the Ambassador Zaman Mehdi, Deputy Permanent Representative on behalf of OIC Group of countries on Explanation on Vote in ILO Budget GB.347/PFA/1
347th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Statement by the Ambassador Zaman Mehdi, Deputy Permanent Representative on behalf of OIC Group of countries on Consideration of ILO Budget GB.347/PFA/1
Explanation of Vote delivered by Mr. Zulfiqar Haider, Federal Secretary for Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resources Development on INS/5 during ILO GB347
347th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/9Outcome of the 17th Asia and the Pacific Regional Meeting Statement delivered by Mr. Junaid Afzal, Section Officer, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
349th (bis) Session of the Governing Body of ILO Action to be taken on the request of the Workers’ group and of 36 governments to urgently refer the dispute on the interpretation of Convention No 87 in relation to the right to strike to the International Court of Justice for decision in accordance with article 37(1) of the Constitution
349th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/11 Follow-up on the implementation of the agreed plan of action in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Statement delivered by Mr. Muhammad Wishaq, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
349th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/13 Follow-up to the resolution concerning the measures recommended by the Governing Body under article 33 of the ILO Constitution on the subject of Belarus delivered by Mr. Muhammad Wishaq, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
349th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/19/1Complaints Alleging Non-observance by Nicaragua of C87, C98, C111 and C144 Statement delivered by Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed, Secretary, Workers Welfare Fund, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
349th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item GB.349 /INS/8Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health 2024–30 and plan of action for its implementation Statement delivered by Mr. Zulfiquar Haider, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
344th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/9Report of Tripartite Working Group on Democratization (TWGD)
344th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Intervention by Pakistan on Complaint against Bangladesh Agenda Item INS/13
344th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/14 Assessment of the progress made by the Government of Venezuela in ensuring compliance with the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry
346th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item PFA/1Preview of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2024–25
346th Session of the Governing Body of ILO Intervention by Pakistan on Complaint against Bangladesh Agenda Item INS/11 Delivered by Mr. Zulfiqar Haider, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
346th Session of the ILO Governing Body, October-November 2022 Follow-up to the resolution concerning the third recurrent discussion on employment (GB.346/INS/3/1)
346thSession of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/12Progress Report on Developments Concerning the Social Dialogue Forum Set Up to Give Effect to the Recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry with Respect to the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Agenda Item INS/13 Consideration of any further measures, including those foreseen in the ILO Constitution, to secure compliance by the Government of Belarus with there commendations of the Commission of Inquiry
343rd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Procedure for the Appointment of Members of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) (GB.343/LILS/3) Agenda Item LILS/3
343rd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Procedure for the Appointment of Members of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR)(GB.343/LILS/3)
343rd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Intervention by Pakistan on Complaint against Bangladesh Agenda Item INS/10
343rd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item INS/9 Consideration of all possible measures, required to ensure the Venezuela’s compliance with the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry (GB.343/INS/9)
343rd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item POL/3 Enhanced Programme of Development Cooperation for the Occupied Arab Territories (GB.343/POL/3)
1 Enhanced programme of development cooperation for the occupied Arab territories (GB.352/POL/3) October 31, 2024
2 352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO The status of Palestine in the ILO and its participation rights in ILO meetings October 31, 2024
3 352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Enhanced programme of development cooperation for the occupied Arab territories (GB.352/POL/3) October 31, 2024
4 352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO The status of Palestine in the ILO and its participation rights in ILO meetings(GB.352/INS/9) October 31, 2024
5 352nd Session of the Governing Body of ILO Agenda Item: GB.352/PFA/2Preview of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2026–27 October 28, 2024