Statement on behalf of the OIC Group, delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the closed meeting with Working Group on the issue of human right sand transnational corporations and other business enterprises
National Statement delivered by, Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, at the 8th Session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights
National Statement delivered by, Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, at the 8th Session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights
Statement, delivered by Amb. Zaman Mehdi, Acting Permanent Representative, during the Workshop on Promoting and Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights within the Context of Addressing Inequalities in the Recovery from the COVID19 Pandemic
National Statement by Amb. Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative, during Side Event on the Situation in Occupied Palestine Territory
National Statement by Amb. Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative, during Side Event on the Situation in Occupied Palestine Territory
National Statement by Amb. Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative, during Side Event on the Situation in Occupied Palestine Territory
Statement on behalf of OIC Group, delivered by Amb. Bilal Ahmad, during HRC intersessional meeting to mark the 75th anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Statement on behalf of OIC Group, delivered by Amb. Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative, during Briefing by High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Situation in Occupied Palestinian Territory
Statement by Amb. Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative, during Briefing by Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory including East Jerusalem, and Israel
Pakistan’s pledging statement, delivered by Amb. Zaman Mehdi, DeputyRepresentative during the Human Rights 75 High-Level Event
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
90th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 3 (a) : International Protection -Note on International Protection
90th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement on Behalf of the OIC Group1Agenda Item 3 (a) : International Protection -Note on International Protection
91st Meeting of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement on Behalf of the OIC Group1Agenda Item 2 (b) : Programme Budgets for 2025 of the Office of the UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
90th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 3 (a) : International Protection -Note on International Protection
90th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement on Behalf of the OIC Group1Agenda Item 3 (a) : International Protection -Note on International Protection
91st Meeting of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement on Behalf of the OIC Group1Agenda Item 2 (b) : Programme Budgets for 2025 of the Office of the UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
91st Meeting of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement on Behalf of the OIC Group1Agenda Item 2 (b) : Programme Budgets for 2025 of the Office of the UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
78th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCR Statement by Ambassador Khalil Hashmi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan Agenda Item 2: International Protection
Statement by Ambassador Khalil Hashmi,Permanent Representative of Pakistan at83rd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 3: Regional Activities and Global Programmes(a) i. Regional Update of Asia and the Pacific
85thSession of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2: Programme Budgets for 2023 of the Office of the UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)Statement by Mr. Sumair Gul, Second Secretary
85thSession of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2: Programme Budgets for 2023 of the Office of the UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)Statement by Mr. Sumair Gul, Second Secretary
85thSession of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2: Programme Budgets for 2023 of the Office of the UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)Statement by Mr. Sumair Gul, Second Secretary
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
National Statement, Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Reviewof Malta (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Congo (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary during the 4th UPR Review of Chad (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Belize(45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Umair Khalid, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Monaco (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Viet Nam46th Session of UPR
National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of the Dominican Republic 46th Session of UPR
46th Session of UPR Working Group National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR of Slovakia
46TH SESSION OF THE UPR WORKING GROUP Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during consideration of the UPR report of Eritrea
46th session of UPR Working Group National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR of the Comoros
47th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group National Statement during 4th UPR of Qatar
47TH SESSION OF THE UPR WORKING GROUP Consideration of the UPR report of Ethiopia Statement by Pakistan
47TH SESSION OF THE UPR WORKING GROUP Consideration of the UPR report of Costa Rica Statement by Pakistan
47th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group National Statement during 4th UPR of Brunei Darussalam
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4thUPR Review of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 47th Session of UPR
National Statement, delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative, Amb. ZamanMehdi, during the 4th UPR Review of Sri Lanka(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Japan(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Zambia(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Switzerland(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Benin(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Serbia(43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Israel(43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary,during the 4th UPR Review of Liechtenstein(43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Montenegro (43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Permanent Representative, Amb. Khalil Hashmi, during the 4th UPR Review of United Arab Emirates (43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Amb. Bilal Ahmed, Permanent Representative, during the 4th UPR of Cuba44th Session of UPR
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4thUPR of Azerbaijan (44th Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR of Cameroon 44th Session of UPR
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4thUPR of Russia(44th Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4thUPR Review of Turkmenistan (44th Session of UPR)
Statement on behalf of the UPR Troika for Algeria, delivered by Permanent Representative, Ambassador Khalil Hashmi
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of South Africa (41st Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Kingdom of the Netherlands (41st Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Poland (41st Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of The Philippines (41st Session of UPR)
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
78th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCR Statement by Ambassador Khalil Hashmi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan Agenda Item 2: International Protection
National Statement, Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Reviewof Malta (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Congo (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary during the 4th UPR Review of Chad (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Belize(45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Umair Khalid, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Monaco (45th Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Viet Nam46th Session of UPR
National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of the Dominican Republic 46th Session of UPR
46th Session of UPR Working Group National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR of Slovakia
46TH SESSION OF THE UPR WORKING GROUP Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during consideration of the UPR report of Eritrea
46th session of UPR Working Group National Statement delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4th UPR of the Comoros
47th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group National Statement during 4th UPR of Qatar
47TH SESSION OF THE UPR WORKING GROUP Consideration of the UPR report of Ethiopia Statement by Pakistan
47TH SESSION OF THE UPR WORKING GROUP Consideration of the UPR report of Costa Rica Statement by Pakistan
47th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group National Statement during 4th UPR of Brunei Darussalam
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4thUPR Review of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 47th Session of UPR
National Statement, delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative, Amb. ZamanMehdi, during the 4th UPR Review of Sri Lanka(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Japan(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Zambia(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Switzerland(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Benin(42nd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Serbia(43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Israel(43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary,during the 4th UPR Review of Liechtenstein(43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4th UPR Review of Montenegro (43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Permanent Representative, Amb. Khalil Hashmi, during the 4th UPR Review of United Arab Emirates (43rd Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Amb. Bilal Ahmed, Permanent Representative, during the 4th UPR of Cuba44th Session of UPR
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4thUPR of Azerbaijan (44th Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Second Secretary, during the 4th UPR of Cameroon 44th Session of UPR
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, First Secretary, during the 4thUPR of Russia(44th Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Mr. Danyal Hasnain, Third Secretary, during the 4thUPR Review of Turkmenistan (44th Session of UPR)
Statement on behalf of the UPR Troika for Algeria, delivered by Permanent Representative, Ambassador Khalil Hashmi
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of South Africa (41st Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Kingdom of the Netherlands (41st Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of Poland (41st Session of UPR)
National Statement, delivered by Third Secretary, Danyal Hasnain, during the 4th UPR Review of The Philippines (41st Session of UPR)
82nd Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRAgenda Item 2 (c): Human ResourcesStatement by Ms. Farhat Ayesha, Minister
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
89th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCRStatement by H.E. Zaman MehdiAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of PakistanAgenda Item 3 (v) : Regional Activities and Global ProgrammesAsia and the Pacific
78th Session of the Standing Committee of UNHCR Statement by Ambassador Khalil Hashmi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan Agenda Item 2: International Protection
1 Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, on behalf of the OIC Group, at the 115th Session of IOM CouncilMeeting, Geneva under Agenda item: General Debate November 28, 2024
2 Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative ofPakistan at the 115th Session of the IOM Council, under Agenda item:General Debate November 28, 2024
3 Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan at the 115th Session of the IOM Council, under Agenda item: General Debate November 28, 2024
4 Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, on behalf of the OIC Group, at the 115th Session of IOM Council Meeting, Geneva under Agenda item: General Debate November 28, 2024
5 Statement, delivered by Mr. Fayaz A. Khan, Counsellor, on behalf of the OIC Group during 35th session of IOM Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance, Under Agenda 16 (A): IOM’s approach to protection of migrants and displaced persons November 5, 2024