Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, on behalf of the OIC Group, at the 115th Session of IOM CouncilMeeting, Geneva under Agenda item: General Debate pakunadmin Previous Post Statement by Ambassador Bilal Ahmad, Permanent Representative ofPakistan at the 115th Session of the IOM Council, under Agenda item:General Debate Next Post 33rd Session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP)
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations Right of Reply – Agenda Item-8 February 10, 6:18 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 42nd Session of Human Rights Council General Debate under Agenda Item 8: Follow-up to and Implementation of Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action February 10, 6:17 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 42ndSESSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL General Debate on Agenda Item 7 -Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories February 10, 6:16 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 422nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCILUPR Outcome of DPRK February 10, 6:15 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 42nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCILUPR Outcome of Albania February 10, 6:14 PMby pakunadmin
42nd SessionHuman RightsHuman Rights CouncilNational Statement 422nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCILUPR Outcome of Bhutan Statement by Pakistan February 10, 6:13 PMby pakunadmin